PMP Exam Resources: Stakeholder Glossary

Free PMP Terms and Definitions

Understanding common project management terms can be a challenge for all project managers. To help you understand those terms and definitions Crosswind Project Management has created a free to use glossary to help in your pmp training. In this page you will find the terms and definitions associated within the component areas of framework to get a better understanding of how this process works and relates to project management.

In project management, a stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the business. Examples include investors, employees, customers, and suppliers. 

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Active ListeningA technique that requires the listener to concentrate on the message conveyed by the speaker, then to repeat or paraphrase the message to confirm understanding.
AutocraticA group decision making technique where one party makes the decisions based on the inputs of others.
Blockers A role that interrupts information flow on the project
Communication Methods Procedures, techniques, and processes that are employed to disseminate information to project stakeholders
Communication Model A facsimile that demonstrates the manner in which project communications will be performed
Communication Requirements Analysis An approach to the determination of stakeholder communication requirements, which can include interviews, lessons learned, and analysis of previous projects
Communication Styles Assessment A technique utilized to identify the approach, format, and content preferred by each stakeholder for planned communication activities.
Communication Technology The tools, systems, and computer applications utilized in the dissemination of information to project stakeholders
Communications Management Plan The document, part of the project or program management plan, that addresses the communication flow of the project and contains a detailed description of the transmittal process, the transmittal schedule, and the administration process
Compromise A conflict resolution technique in which a solution involves (typically) a little of what everyone is proposing for a solution
Conflict Management The management of conflict within the project by applying such techniques as problem solving, collaboration, forcing, compromising, accommodation, and avoidance
Conflict of Interest A situation in which an individual or company engages in behavior that is inappropriate, but not necessarily illegal (it could be illegal)
Cultural AwarenessBeing aware of the differences and priorities of the various stakeholders, teams, and organizations, to help establish appropriate communication strategies.
Directions of InfluenceA model that groups stakeholders on their project influence and priority. Upwards are senior and executive management. Downwards are the team and any specialists.
Emotional Intelligence The ability to determine, assess, and manage the emotions of individuals or groups
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Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) The capacity to acknowledge and effectively manage feelings in oneself and others
Focus GroupA focused session involving pre-qualified stakeholders, subject matter experts (SMEs), and a designated leader that is conducted to determine expectations and views regarding a potential product, service, or result
Influence/Impact GridA model that groups stakeholders by their influence and impact on the project.
Interactive CommunicationA communication type that enables an exchange of information between multiple parties and fosters a common understanding between participants.
Interpersonal SkillsThe abilities that maximize the establishment and maintenance of relationships with project stakeholders; examples include the ability to communicate clearly, to motivate others, and to effectively negotiate; also known as soft skills
Osmotic Communication The indirect absorption of information, often by being present, but not participating, during conversations
Persona A fictional character, created by the team to portray a user, used as a reference for determining the viability of a product
Political AwarenessBeing aware of the power structure and navigating relationships in an organization.
Power/Influence GridA graphical model that organizes stakeholders by their level of involvement and authority on the project.
Power/Interest GridA graphical model that organizes stakeholders by their level of interest and authority on the project.
Pull CommunicationsA communication type that requires people to access the communication if they want it.
Push CommunicationsA communication type that distributes the communication to the recipients without requiring them to access it manually.
Qualified VendorsAny vendors that have met the procurement qualification requirements.
Qualified Vendors ListA list of vendors that have met the procurement qualification requirements and can be engaged for potential agreements.
RACI ChartA type of responsibility assignment matrix that designates the status of stakeholder involvement in project activities; status designations are responsible, accountable, consult, or inform.
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Salience ModelA model that organizes stakeholders with their level of authority, involvement, and needs with the project.
StakeholderAny person or entity, external to the team, that may impact, be impacted by, or perceive itself to be impacted by any decision, activity, or outcome of the project
Stakeholder AnalysisA technique by which quantitative and qualitative information is amassed and evaluated to determine whose interests should be considered throughout the project
Stakeholder CubeA 3D model that is an evolution of the earlier two-dimensional models, such as power/interest and power/influence grids.
Stakeholder EngagementWorking and communicating with stakeholders to ensure satisfaction of their legitimate needs and expectations, to resolve their issues, and to include them in appropriate decision-making
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment MatrixA matrix in which current and desired stakeholder engagement levels are listed for comparison.
Stakeholder Engagement PlanThe document, part of the project or program management plan, used to depict all processes, procedures, tools, and techniques that will be used to effectively involve stakeholders in project determinations and performance based on the stakeholders' requirements, concerns, and potential impact
Stakeholder Performance DomainThe performance domain associated with identifying and engaging stakeholders.
Stakeholder RegisterA project document that lists stakeholder information including name, role, assessment, and classification
Steering CommitteeA group of senior stakeholders who direct and support the project team and make decisions that are outside the scope of the project team's authority.
UserThe person, division, or company that will be the user or owner of the product when the project is complete
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