PMP Exam Resources: Planning Agile Glossary

Free PMP Terms and Definitions

Understanding common project management terms can be a challenge for all project managers. To help you understand those terms and definitions Crosswind Project Management has created a free to use glossary to help in your pmp training. In this page you will find the terms and definitions associated within the component areas of framework to get a better understanding of how this process works and relates to project management.

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Design-the-boxAn exercise in which team members create a container for the product that articulates the product’s purpose and lists its key features
Elevator StatementThe synopsis of a concept, such as the purpose of a project, which can be expressed in thirty seconds or so
EpicA large story, usually undeveloped, that needs to be decomposed into smaller stories
Fail Fast (aka Fast Failure)A strategy that consists of attempting something, obtaining feedback as soon as possible, and then inspecting and adapting rapidly to determine if the attempt represents a good decision; if not, the attempt is immediately aborted so that time and resources are not wasted on its continuance
Feature CreepThe continual increase in or unrestrained changes to software functionality
Fibonacci SequenceA series of numbers that begins with 0 and 1, and then is expanded by adding the two previous numbers together: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…
Fixed DurationAn activity where the duration does not change, regardless of the people or resources applied to the activity.
Function PointAn estimate of the amount of business functionality in an IT system. It can be used to calculate the functional size of an application.
High-level (Gross) EstimatesAn estimate based on relative sizing
Interdependent StoriesUser stories that, considered together, solve a problem
INVESTAn acronym that stands for the rules that define a user story (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable)
Nebulous Units of Time (NUTs)An alternative term for story points
Planning PokerA game played with cards representing tasks that uses Delphi, a method where each team member estimates the size of a task and after a series of discussions, the team arrives at a consensus for task size estimation
Product AnalysisAn approach used to convert a business-defined product into project deliverables; typically involves asking business representatives questions about the intended uses and characteristics of the product
Product BacklogAn evolving list of customer-prioritized features, bugs, technical work, and knowledge acquisition that have not been completed and are not being worked on during the current iteration
Product Box ExerciseA technique to help facilitate product requirements gathering and understanding by building a sample box with name, features, and other relevant details.
Product Breakdown StructureA hierarchical structure that shows a product's components and deliverables.
Relative EstimationAssessing the size and complexity of a story by comparing it to previously assessed stories
SpikeA short, timeboxed research effort that is necessary to estimate the size of a specific story, usually a technical story
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